St John School will again take part in the Celebration of Corpus Christi Mass and Procession. 10:00 AM Mass.
This year Father has asked that our students and their familes have a larger presence in this parish tradition. (Please note: On Sunday, June 11th there will be no 9 AM or 11 AM Mass)
For the past few years our school staff has set up an alter. This year we are asking parent volunteers to set up this alter at the designated location on the procession route. (To be announced at a later date.)
All St. John students are asked to wear their school uniform. All 2nd grade First Communicants are asked to wear their communion outfits.
First Communion students will be joining the procession (after Mass) walking in front of Father with the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance during the Corpus Christi celebration. Girls are asked to bring a small basket filled with real flower petals to throw in front of the Blessed Sacrament as we wak the four stations around the church cemetery during the procession. We will provide some refill petals to throw for the duration of the procession until we run out. Younger sibilings are invited to dress in white and participate as well! We will be walking through the cemetery and back around to the front of the church with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Please reach out to Stephanie Eldridge D.R.E with any questions 815-385-1477 ext. 201